Tsavo East National Park

Tsavo East National Park Kenya – Self-Drive East Africa

Most popular as ‘theatre of the wild’, Tsavo East National Park boasts of its unique dust-red elephants and breathtaking landscapes featuring a 300km extensive Yatta Plateau- the world’s longest lava flow. Tsavo East is a preferred destination not only for normal game viewing but also great adventures.

Location and size

Tsavo East National Park is Kenyan safari park located in the Southeastern Kenya nearby Voi in Taita Taveta County. The park features as one of the best places to encounter wildlife in the wild and also experience the most memorable African wilderness. This park derives its name from Tsavo River and boasts of its huge concentrations of elephants and the legend of the Man-eaters of Tsavo.

Created in 1948, Tsavo East park extends up to 13747sq.km and forms the extensive Tsavo Conservation Area/Parks. What divides Tsavo East and Tsavo West is the Nairobi-Mombasa route and the park features the Galana River that flows via it and also serves as one of the main sources of water for abundant wildlife in the park.

Attractions of Tsavo East National Park:

Mudanda rock

Explore the Mudanda rock, unique attractions and also Inselberg stratified rock formation that measure 1.6km. It is at this spot where varied wildlife confine to drink water including buffaloes, wildebeest and elephants.


At Tsavo East, expect to locate variety of wildlife including small and large mammals, reptiles and birds. The huge profusion of Tsavo East Park wildlife consist of African hunt dogs, elands, hartebeest, buffaloes, elephants, leopards, giraffes, cheetahs, plain zebras, spotted hyenas, waterbucks, slender mongoose, jackals, aardwolf, blue duikers, African dormouse, wild cats, rhinos, caracals, yellow baboons, and others.

Tsavo East National Park Wildlife

Bird species

Over 500 species of birds exist in the varying habitats of Tsavo East and birding excursions are excellent around March, May, and November. The birds include resident and migratory species.

The check-list of birds comprises of the golden breasted starling, Taita falcons, black-faced sand grouse, Pangani long claws, lesser kestrel, Rufous chatterer, Martial eagle, fisher’s starling, Somali ostriches, Vulturine guinea fowls, Northern brown bull, and more.

Lugard falls

The Lugard falls, a distinct attraction worth exploring on Kenya safari in Tsavo East Park. This waterfall is accessible on a guided walking excursion and offers excellent views of scenic white water rapids. This waterfall originates from River Galana. Aside from Galana River, other rivers to find within the park include Tsavo River.

Yatta Plateau

Visit Yatta plateau, the world’s longest lava flow which measures up to 290km. This plateau stretches to the western border above Athi River.

Top activities to do in and around Tsavo East Kenya

Game drives

Game drive in Tsavo East Park Kenya provides unforgettable treat to true African wilderness. Using a 4×4 tourist vehicle, expect to see myriad of wildlife including leopards, elephants, lions, zebras, giraffes, hyenas, birds and many others. You can go for a full day game drive, half-day or night game drive to look for nocturnal species.

Bird watching

Birding in Tsavo East Park takes you on a memorable bird excursion. Varied bird species can be identified on Tsavo East NP birding tour including the golden pipit, Taita falcons, slender-tailed nightjars, ostriches, starlings, rufous chatterer, pangani long claws, saddled billed stork, Somali courser, black headed gull, collared pratincole, woolly-necked stork, black stork, Northern brown bull, Vulturine guinea fowl, African finfoot, Ruppell’s griffon, scissor-tailed kite, palm nut vultures, double banded coursers, temminck’s coursers, whiskered tern,

Verreaux’s eagles, Short-toed snake eagle, African harrier hawks, Squacco herons, Egyptian vultures, White headed mouse bird, Pearl spotted owlet, Narina trogon, Nubian nightjars, freckled nightjars, Square-tailed nightjars, fiery-necked nightjars, Donaldson-smith’s nightjars, and others.


Be part of unforgettable camping excursion in Kenya’s Tsavo East National Park. The park features different campground and offer memorable experiences as you closely interact with nature, enjoy the melodies of wildlife and birds.


Best time to visit Tsavo East Park in Kenya

Tsavo East NP enjoys favorable weather and climatic conditions making it an all year round African park. However, the best time to get there for a holiday is during the dry season that is from June to October, January to February. The park also experiences 2 wet or rainy seasons occurring from March to April, November till December.

Where to stay on Tsavo East tour?

A composition of budget, midrange and luxury lodges make up the list of lodges in and around Tsavo East National Park. They include Kilalinda Safari Camp, Ndololo Camp, Kiboko Camp, Impala Safari Lodge, Kulalu Camp, Satao Camp, Ithumba Camp, Voi Safari Lodge and more.

How to reach the park?

Both road and air are the 2 options that get tourists to Tsavo East National Park. You drive for 233km from Nairobi on Mombasa route and reach the park through Mtito Andrei gate. By air, catch up with a flight from Nairobi to Sala, Aruba, Satao, Bachuma and Ithumba airstrips.

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