Queen Elizabeth National Park

About Queen Elizabeth National Park – Uganda Safari 2024

Queen Elizabeth National Park is the second largest and most popular conservation area in Uganda is a haven for both wildlife enthusiasts and tourists seeking a safari experience. It was named after the famous visit of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to Uganda in 1952. It is situated on 764 square miles in the southwestern region of Uganda. Its nearest city location being Kasese district.

Queen Elizabeth National Park is highly significant for its crucial role in conserving the rich biodiversity of wildlife species in Uganda. It is of a great ecological, conservation and tourism importance in the tourism sector in Uganda. The park supports local economies and offers unique opportunities for education and research. This broadens its significance further to national borders benefiting world initiatives of conserving natural habitats and protecting endangered species.

The park is renowned for its unique blend of wildlife, landscapes and cultural heritage. It is reach of several distinctive features and attractions that trend it on top charts for wildlife enthusiasts and tourists. Among the notable highlights of the park include tree climbing lions in the Ishasha sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park, chimpanzee trekking in the Kyambura gorge, savannah plains, game viewings, rift valley escarpment stunning landscapes and so many more interesting attractions.

Attractions in Queen Elizabeth National Park

  • The Kazinga channel
  • Tree climbing lions
  • African buffalo
  • The Columbus monkeys
  • The Mweya Peninsula
  • The Kyambura Gorge
  • Maragambo Forest

Queen Elizabeth National Park has a number of activities taken part in by travelers. These activities are exciting and educative.

Top activities to do at Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Boat safaris on the Kazinga channel.

Boat safaris are one of the most popular ways to explore the park. The Kazinga channel is a rich feature in wildlife. It connects Lake Edward to Lake George and along its cruising comes its unique blend in bio diversity.

The Kazinga channel banks are lined with hippos, buffaloes in herds, elephants and the endless glamour of the Ishasha plains. Along the comfortable cruise of at most ten tourists on board, you get to observe the outstanding beauty of the wide range of flora and fauna the channel has along its shores from a completely different perspective.

queen Elizabeth national park boat cruise

The panoramic scenery of the Kazinga channel, topped with master class guide tours on the cruise and infotainment at its best, makes boat safaris on the Kazinga channel an exhilarating experience for one to miss at the queen Elizabeth national park. This adventure is charged 30 USD for foreign nonresidents, 25 USD for foreign residents and 30,000 UGX for East African residents.

Safari game drives.

Facilitated by comfortable well-spaced open roof vehicles with clear windows and park guides, safari drives are an exciting opportunity to encounter wildlife at Queen Elizabeth national park.

These drives allow you to tour around the park comfortably while taking photos of the diverse wildlife in their natural habitats. As the drives reach close to wildlife, short stops are made to explain and provide information on the wildlife being encountered. This is done by the tour guides on board and this gives you the chance to learn about the eco systems in a class outside a classroom.

How cool can this be? well not as cool as driving through the Kasenyi plains encountering its renowned open savannas granting the opportunity to spot wildlife and famously the tree climbing lions. On the drives, touring the Mweya Peninsula is one of the sites with gorgeous scenic views as it gives you an on road view of the Kazinga channel.

One of the reasons as to why safari drives is one of the top things to do is that its tour guides take heart to understand the wildlife interests of tourists. They tailor individual wildlife interests making it a memorable experience for all on board. Safari drives in Queen Elizabeth National Park cost 30 USD for both foreign nonresidents and residents, and UGX 30,000 for East African citizens.

Chimpanzee tracking in the Kyambura gorge.

This activity is only done in the morning and afternoon sessions with a maximum of 8 tourist each session. Tracking these intelligent primates in their natural lush forest habitats led by lead guides along the journey is a well-rounded adventure for all nature enthusiasts out there.

Sighting chimpanzees in the valley of apes is at an 85% chance as these mammals are quite loud and their vocals are astonishingly coordinated. Chimpanzees seem not to be as dull as we think they are as these beauties are social in nature when given their peace. Ever had a chimpanzee hug? If not then chimpanzee tracking should top your things to do list at Queen Elizabeth national park.

Tracking chimpanzees is not as hard on paper as on ground when the right process is followed. Tour guides register and brief tourists on the tracking adventure first before the trekking starts. They locate the chimpanzees and on encountering them they lead tourists in the observation of these social primates.

Regulations and specific procedures may vary and adherence to the guidelines briefed by the tour guides is priority to ensure the safety of both tourists and chimpanzees. Chimpanzee trekking costs 50 USD for foreign nonresidents and residents, and UGX 30,000 for East African citizens liable to only visitors aged 12 and above.

Lion tracking.

Tracking lions is truly a tense encounter at Queen Elizabeth national park, but an outstanding experience as well. This thrilling journey through the parks diverse landscapes gives a unique blend of adventure for individuals obsessed with wildlife. Lion tracking is usually done in the early mornings and late afternoons spear headed by licensed tour operators and skilled researchers. These trackers use radio collars to guide them through the Ishasha sector straight to the location of these lions.

Lions move in groups of 4 to 20 and this implies engagement of very few individuals in the tracking process. This is done so to prevent scaring them away, most importantly to avoid stressing them. Stressing these lions puts the life of everyone on the adventure at risk as they may attack the crew to preserve their privacy.

It is essential to follow park regulations, priorities safety and respect the animals and their environment for a memorable and responsible wildlife experience. Tourists have a wide list on how to experience the adventure of lion tracking. This list includes game drives, walking safaris or even specialized lion tracking excursions arranged by lodges within Queen Elizabeth national park.

Lion tracking shares insights into lion behavior in the ecosystems and the challenges they face. Tourists dive deep into the concept of these animals fostering a connection on the importance of preserving these species and their habitats.

Participating in the adventure of lion tracking directly supports wildlife conservation. This happens as the funds generated from this adventure are aligned to park maintenance, poaching measures and community based conservation projects hence protecting the park’s bio diversity especially in the rare species of these lions.

Lion tracking at Queen Elizabeth National Park is charged at 100 USD for both foreign nonresidents and residents, and UGX 100,000 for East African citizens.

Nature walks and guided bush walks.

This thrilling experience is head by tour guides who on the journey detail the flora and fauna encountered. The walks are famously through the Mweya peninsula, the Ishasha plains, Maramagambo forest and the Kyambura gorge.

What is assured on these walks is the high definition view of the exhilarating wildlife such as the chimpanzees in the Kyambura gorge, the tree climbing lions in the Ishasha sector, the dense vegetation in the Maramagambo forest, crocodiles and hippos along the Kazinga channel and many more thrilling wildlife.

The walks offer a spot on scenery to the likes of the rare white tailed lark on the shores of the Kazinga channel and the saddle billed stork. Never seen any of these? Well then nature walks and guided bush walks might be just the adventure you need.

To differ a bit from nature walks, bush guided adventures are quite more intense. These are characterized more with wild insights, sounds and scents, and encounters with bush in habitats. This is also an intimate unforgettable experience you wouldn’t love to miss out at the queen Elizabeth national park.

The highlight of all these walks is on the world class experience on nature venturing and safety measures by the tour guides. These male and female guides tour you around calmly and with content and navigate through all these plains identifying and notifying tourists on potential risks and measures on how to keep safe.

Tip on safety while on these walks is to always keep in sight of these guided tour leads, stick to designated paths and preserving excitement for night chats. Remember straying disturbs wildlife exposing you to unthinkable danger.

Hot air balloon safaris.

This experience is absolutely magical! As the balloon gently ascends, you are treated to an overhead panoramic scenery of the park’s true nature. The perspective from above provides a unique vantage point to spot wildlife in their natural habitat.

The flight is usually of not more than 8 tourists, accompanied by a tour guide and on board infotainment. The highlights of this adventure is undoubtedly rising and setting of the sun with its rays in flamboyant colors of the spectrum.

The view of the trekking of buffaloes and elephants in their herds from above is purely outstanding as these mammals know how to keep their numbers in the most proper ways of organization. Booking an experience on a hot air balloon is done across numerous platforms on social media but sources highly recommend reaching out directly to your tour operators.

Hot air balloon Queen

This experience costs 100 USD for foreign nonresidents and residents, whereas East African citizens pay UGX 100,000

Visiting Katwe salt mines.

Here you get the opportunity to witness the labor intensive process of harvesting salt from the shallow crater lakes. This is guided by the travel tours. Salt extraction has been a practice passed on down through communities. It’s of great cultural importance for natives and this is briefly on how significant it weighs;

Heritage and tradition.

This has been a practice passed down from one generation to another forming a crucial part of the crucial part. As a native, engaging in salt mining reflects resilience and adaptability to a practice that lives within the hearts of the natives

Economical livelihood.

Salt extraction is a source of income for many families in the area. The economic significance cannot be overstated as it sustains livelihoods of those involved in the extraction process

Visiting not only provides a glimpse into the economic aspect of salt extraction but also offers a deeper understanding of the cultural fabric and heritage of communities surrounding Queen Elizabeth national park.

Accommodation at Queen Elizabeth National Park.

At Queen Elizabeth National Park, there are a variety of accommodation options that cater for the indifferences in budget and tastes of tourists.

The park has lodges, camps and hotels around it. The accommodation types differ and are categorized into different classes. The classes include luxury lodges and hotels, midrange lodges and hotels, and budget friendly accommodation suites.

The best luxury lodges around Queen Elizabeth National park that offers world class accommodation among the many luxurious options is Kyambura Gorge lodge.

This lavish establishment provides the best luxury rooms modeled in a wildlife theme. Its innumerable facilities and amenities are astounding, outclassing its counter parts in the luxury accommodation class. Its facilities and amenities include private Expensive balconies, multi cuisine restaurant, bar and lounge, complimentary high speed Wi-Fi, an accomplished health club, plus many other world-class accommodation

Kyambura Gorge lodge accommodations cost 750 USD each night. Online bookings and reservations can be done via Kyambura Gorge lodge website or through your travel operator for your wildlife experience at Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Other top luxury accommodation options include Jacana Safari Lodge, Katari Safari Lodge and Mweya Safari Lodge.

The best midrange accommodation options around Queen Elizabeth National Park is Marafiki Safari lodge. It is within a walkable distance, a few minutes from Queen Elizabeth National park headquarters.

At this Lodge expect an exquisite accommodation packed with a delightful lounge, bar and dining area. Marafiki Safari lodge offers a cozy cheerful atmosphere on its elevated central area.

Await plentiful facilities and amenities that are worthy their costs, adding atmosphere and excitement throughout your stay at Marafiki Safari Lodge.

It charges 300 USD for each day spent at their premises. You can access its website for bookings and any other inquiries on reservations, or reach out to your travel plans operators for your Queen Elizabeth National Park adventure for more detailed information about this lodge.

Other top midrange accommodation options for lodging while exploring this National Park include Park view Safari lodge and Engazi game lodge.

Queen Elizabeth national park has also Budget friendly stays to cater for native and international travelers on a tight money expenditure spree.

The best budget friendly hotel at this national park is Kazinga channel view resort. It’s positioned around breath taking views of the park.

At 55 USD each night, experience a simple sumptuous meal, perfect night views, and comfortable self-contained rooms and Banda’s comfortable to suit your stay at Queen Elizabeth.

Other top options you could consider under budget friendly lodges are Simba safari camp, Tembo safari lodge and River Ishasha safari camp.

Best times to visit Queen Elizabeth National Park.

This park is most enjoyable in the dry season. Viewing of a variety of wildlife as they graze and hunt is more splendid in these times of the year in Uganda. The dry season in Uganda typically starts from June to September and from December to mid-February.

The dry season at Queen Elizabeth National Park is characterized by less dense vegetation and clear smooth paths. Visibility is easy as the skies are clear and the sun shines brightest in this season.

The wet season is a cold and heavy rains fall often. Paths get muddy and the vegetation grows thick due to the favorable plant conditions. This makes exploration around the park quite hard and also challenging for tourists to view wildlife.

How to get to Queen Elizabeth National Park?

There are two modes of transport you can use to get to the park. Favorably road transport should be considered though the ride is quite a lengthy one. Fortunately covering this 400 kilometer journey to Kasese district is a smooth one, thanks to the good road network in Uganda. Expect to last about 6 to 7 hours on this journey.

Domestic flights from Entebbe airport directly in the park are the quickest and more expensive than road means. The flight is only 1.5 hours under the lavishness of Ugandan air buses.

In conclusion, Queen Elizabeth National park is a gem in the conservation and preservation options of Uganda’s wildlife. It provides a multifaceted and implosive adventure for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. Time spent exploring this park is worth every second.

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